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Karīna Vernere

                                                                                                                                                     Image - karina vernere.png

 A health professional not only helps patients to get rid of the damage by prescribing the medication and also recommends a healthy diet. As declares the family practitioner of 4th Health Centre  - Karina Vernere, "What meals we put in can greatly affect our health and our all life". Dr. Vernere has been working for 15 years already as the family practitioner, she has more than two thousand patients, and we can trust for sure her warnings and recommendations.


"Reading and seeing the pictures of the life of our ancestors, one can notice a peculiarity: wealthy people very often had corpulent round cheeks, and the poor – lean, muscular and looked healthy. One of the reasons was bread they used to eat. Potatoes were imported later in Europe from South Africa and it was grown here more widely only at the end of 18th century; so the consumption of break at that time was much higher. The destiny and hour of the rich was to apply white wheat bread from fine wheat-flour, and the rye, the so-called black bread remained to poor baked from coarse rye flour. No one even suspected that peasant nutrition was therefore healthier and more valuable. I wish that my patients would be healthier; so, I recommend them to follow our ancestors’ footsteps and to eat whole-grain rye bread.


If bread is baked using only the milled part of the corn grain, more starch and carbohydrates will enter our body.  Starch can raise the blood sugar level, but carbohydrates favours fat building up. And whoever needs redundant sugar or fat, already a lot of it in most of us! In turn, while eating whole wheat bread baked in coarse-milled rye flour, we will absorb more fiber, trace nutrients, proteins, vitamins. This bun is more slowly metabolized or participates in metabolism, therefore, the sugar level is lower.


Treating patients means not only prescribing medicines, extinguishing fires when the house is already flaming, but also recommending them healthy products, so to avoid ailments. Medicine can only help, and not change the whole life of a human being for good, and patients must care for themselves. Therefore, very often, when taking patients we often talk about their eating habits. First advice: eat less sugar or avoid products that help them get to the blood. For example, if diabetics were in a patient’s family, he already must begin to take care of himself, because diabetes often is inherited. The second advice: prevention of atherosclerosis. And again we come back to whole-grain rye bread, because it is absorbed more slowly by the body than various white breads. Recently, I read the results of research from scientists that people who use whole wheat bread are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease.


Another very important thing is a normal stomach outlet. It should work as a clock: once or twice a day, no more and no less. Three times a day - it is already pulled to diarrhea, but once every two days - they are a threat to constipation. If the requirement to go to the toilet is impaired, it is already a risk factor for the development of gastrointestinal diseases, including oncological diseases. And again, a simple suggestion can be made: eat whole wheat bread rye, which has high fiber content, no toxic substances in your body, and possibly you will not be affected by possible accidents. By the way, did you know that the use of freshly baked bread also contributes to constipation?


Recently, scientists have discovered that carbohydrates (we take them not only with bread!) stick to the intestinal walls, but fibers in turn act as a wall cleaner. Thus, our excess kilograms, even without dieting, slip down and fade! With all of the body is also removes excess cholesterol.


Why am I repeating the word "whole grain"? Because that is very important. In the outer shell of the grains there are vitamins B, magnesium, chromium, iron, selenium - almost we can say that there is a whole Mendeleyev table! For example, selenium acts as a good antioxidant, releasing all free radicals from the body. Of course, eating bread should not be exaggerated - two slices per day, in my opinion, it will be enough.


There are only a few people who have to abandon bread and flour products at all. This disease is called celiac disease. Fortunately, in Latvia it is not too common. For example, in my practice I came in contact only with five patients with celiac disease.


Also, I myself am a whole-grain bread lover. I also like bread with bran (again a lot of fiber!) And rye bread with added grain. Just do not be mistaken to believe that whole wheat bread is the one in which the grain is already visible through the package. They can pass through us even in a non-corrosive way without releasing the body to healthy fibers."